Hi, my name is
Alok Shete.

I build things for the web and mobile.

Hello, my name is Alok Shete and I am a focused full-stack web developer with expertise in UI/UX, JavaScript, and Node.js. I specialize in creating dynamic and responsive React and React Native UI components that elevate user experiences on both web and mobile platforms. You can find some of my latest projects on my web portfolio page, showcasing my proficiency in web and mobile development. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to collaborate on a project.

About me
alok shete

Hi there! I'm Alok, a full-stack developer with a passion for creating impactful projects that live on the internet and mobile devices. My journey into web development began in 2019 when a friend and I built a blogger website for our BSc Computer Science friends. Since then, I've been hooked on the possibilities of the web.

After gaining experience with PHP, I joined my first internship as a backend developer. However, my interest in JavaScript and its frameworks continued to grow. I delved deeper into the language and learned about React, which led me to my second internship where I had the opportunity to work on React and React Native apps, as well as backend development with Node.js.

Now, as a full-stack developer, I specialize in building scalable and responsive applications using React, React Native, Firebase, and Google Cloud Platform. My experience in creating secure Firebase cloud functions and APIs, as well as integrating payment gateways like Stripe, has allowed me to tackle a variety of projects, from white-labeling apps to building e-commerce platforms.

To ensure the quality of my work, I use various testing frameworks like Jest, Mocha, Appium, and Selenium, and I create custom mocks to generate every possible negative and positive test scenario.

If you're looking for a full-stack developer who is passionate about building impactful projects for the web and mobile, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Let's work together to bring your ideas to life!

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

JavaScript (ES6+)
React Native
Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Functions

Vendekin Technologies

Application developer | Oct 2021 - Present

  • Responsible for maintaining operator apps and adding new features for our organization's customers, and I work on both React Native mobile apps and web projects.
  • One of the most important projects I have worked on was the Innovative Platform for Delivering Fresh (Chilled) Poultry, Red Meat, and Fish. As the lead developer, I created the alpha version of the consumer-facing app using ReactJS. We also added a feature to the organization's operator app for delivery people, and developed an admin panel in ReactJS for viewing orders and additional information. The consumer-facing app is whitelisted.
  • I have also completed work on an OTA update for our organization's specialized design hardware for vending machines. I am using Bluetooth with the Xmodem transfer protocol, and modifying it according to our requirements. I am also working with our organization's own SDK to make these changes.
  • As our organization's vending machine managing platform provides a complete solution, many other companies related to vending machines want to integrate with our solution. I am responsible for these types of integrations. I create a whitelisted app for them, add some add-on features for the specific whitelisted app, create an API for them, and integrate new payment options for them as well.
  • In addition to my development work, I am also responsible for integrating payment systems into the app. This includes handling positive and negative scenarios, and building testing mocks to ensure smooth releases. I also write unit test cases to ensure the quality of our code.
  • Furthermore, I am involved in training our new interns to help them develop their skills and adapt to our development processes.
  • Skills: JavaScript (ES6+) · Typescript · ReactJS · React Native · Node.js · Firebase · Firestore · Google Cloud Platform · BigQuery · Cloud Functions · BLE communication · XMODEM File Transfer Protocol · Stripe Integration

Vendekin Technologies

Application developer - Intern | Jun 2021 - Sep 2021

  • Responsible for convert the organization's old Operator App to a new React Native app using their own SDK. In addition to this, I have gained experience in various other areas throughout the project.
  • One of my key tasks is implementing BLE communication to establish communication with the organization's specialized design hardware for vending machines. I have successfully retrieved informative data from the machine using BLE communication and stored it in Firestore, a database by Firebase
  • Furthermore, I have integrated Firebase SDK into the app, enabling features such as user login, data storage in Firestore, and gathering analytics. I have also implemented CodePush and hard update features to ensure the app's stability and functionality
  • Developing a system for vending machine operator has been a significant aspect of this project. This system enables the refiller to refill the machine while the app simultaneously retrieves data from the app and sends it to the backend for processing.
  • Skills: React Native · Typescript · BLE communication · Firebase SDK implementation · Code Push

Code Gurukul

Backend developer - Intern | Nov 2020 - Apr 2021

  • Responsible for building and maintaining the backend system using PHP and MySQL, as well as deploying the application using FileZilla.
  • I have also worked on integrating video meeting features using the Jitsi API and designing the system.
  • In addition, I have created a complete backend and frontend admin panel for the organization.
  • Skills: PHP · MySQL · JavaScript · HTML · CSS · Jitsi API

Projects Under Construction

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Thank you for visiting my portfolio website! I'm currently working on updating and improving my projects, so the one you're looking for is temporarily unavailable. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please check back soon for updates, or feel free to explore my other projects in the meantime. Thank you for your understanding!

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